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Website design for Prop Lavage.

Our most recent project, here’s a beautiful project we’ve just put online, we did the web design as well as the commercial photography for its design. Here are the images we took. Prop Lavage is the reference for all your residential and commercial window cleaning needs. With its Prop cleaning system, proven effective by thousands […]


There’s no disputing the fact that WordPress is by far the most important CMS. The original idea of Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little has achieved blogospheric fame in the 11 short years since its release. You might think you already know just how popular WordPress is. Think again, because these 13 WordPress usage statistics might […]

Did you know? Flash synchronization varies depending on your camera!

Presentation Synchronization is the process of coordinatingshutter opening with flash duration. For electronic flash, the kind currently available from manufacturers, this is referred to as X-synchronization (in the past, M-synchronization was used for combustion flashes). There are several types of flash synchronization, each depending on the shutter speed: first-curtain synchronization, which is active by default […]