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Website in Quebec in 2020? Does it matter? Quebecers buy more than $8 billion a year on the Internet!

Quebecers spend more than $8 billion a year online

The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the way the world does business. Every person in the world with a computer and an Internet connection is now a potential customer. By 2020, 61% of the world’s population will have an Internet connection, including 84% in North America and 85% in Europe. While e-commerce was still the preserve of the “pure player”, i.e. players present only on the Internet 5 years ago, this is no longer the case today. Every year, many businesses take the plunge and develop their web presence. Whether they’re craftsmen, professionals, artists or small and medium-sized businesses, they see an opportunity to develop their reputation and sales. In 2019, e-commerce accounted for $2,000 billion worldwide, up 11% on 2018.


E-commerce in Quebec represents $8.5 billion

In Canada, purchases of products and services over the Internet amounted to $57.7 billion in 2018, proving that this new mode of consumption is already well adopted. According to CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority), e-commerce purchases even involved a wide variety of products and services (42% of them were clothing, 40% airline tickets or other travel services, 34% books, 33% tickets for games and shows, 32% electronic equipment, 29% home equipment, 26% government services, 24% games and apps for mobile and/or computer, 23% music and 22% films or audiovisual content) etc. Another, more detailed, study by Canada Post 2019 eCommerce Benchmark Report shows that Canadians also shop for cosmetics (28%), automobiles (16%), toys (19%), jewelry (18%) and more. In Quebec, one of the country’s most dynamic provinces, purchasing behavior is already very much digital. According to the Valeria Landivar blog, e-commerce accounted for $8.5 billion in spending in 2018, and this figure continues to rise year on year, thanks in particular to this new “digital” lifestyle and the new habits of Quebecers. Indeed, 94% of them have Internet access. Among them, 44% of adults have already made at least one purchase on a merchant site, 79% from a computer and 44% with a smartphone or tablet, and are overwhelmingly satisfied with their experience (79%). In 2018, the average shopping basket was even $325 per order. Given that the operating and maintenance costs of a website are often much lower than those of a physical boutique, margins become much more attractive.


This growth is a testament to consumers’ digital presence

This exponential growth in e-commerce sales shows us how quickly our lifestyles and consumption patterns are changing. However, the pace of change has accelerated rapidly with the arrival of website creation platforms such as WordPress and its WooCommerce e-commerce module, which have completely disrupted the market. Forget the days when creating a merchant website could cost thousands of dollars. It’s now very simple and affordable to create a website using content management systems like WordPress, and that makes everyday life easier for merchants. Mindsoul Production offers you the opportunity to create an online store that reflects your image and enables you to process orders autonomously, often more easily than with other software. It’s a low-cost investment that can deliver a rapid return.

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