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Here are 6 good reasons to create a website with the wordpress platform. For several years now, our company has specialized in website design with the wordpress platform in Quebec City and Saguenay. This solution is affordable and allows companies to update their website without too much complexity. We believe in this solution, which is why we’d like to offer it to SMEs.

1) Platform optimized for web referencing

WordPress is recognized as one of the most effective CMS for search engine optimization. You can also compare it to Joomla and Drupal in the infographic. There are hundreds of modules (plug-ins) that enable you to perform these SEO-friendly actions. Here are just a few examples: – optimize meta titles, meta descriptions and H tags – integrate microdata – optimize text and images for specific keywords – integrate seo-friendly URLs – track positioning for specific keywords in Google – test page variations to improve conversion rates – integrate codes for tracking statistics – integrate modules to optimize conversion rates (pop-up, notification bar…) – submit sitemaps and check robots.txt file and many more possibilities… What’s more, all these modules can be manipulated without any knowledge of programming or HTML. In short, WordPress websites are highly reputed for ranking well in Google. Improving the visibility of a business website via search engines like Google is not to be overlooked, since in Quebec 84% of Quebecers use the Net, and 43% of Google searches target products and services from local businesses. Of course, this will require some optimization work on the part of a web strategist, but all the necessary tools are available on WordPress.

2) Easy-to-integrate responsive design

An increasing number of WordPress themes, even free ones, incorporate fully responsive technology, i.e. mobile websites perfectly adapted to all types of receivers: widescreen computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets. In fact, responsive design allows for different display and ergonomics depending on the size of the screen used. So no user is put off, and site navigation is made easier. Having a responsive design that adapts to different screen resolutions is also important for web visibility and SEO. Google ranks responsive websites higher, as do those with a mobile version. When querying from smartphones, Google will favor sites with a responsive design and/or a mobile version. This feature, found in WordPress, makes it possible to have a modern platform adapted to new technologies, as well as increasing visibility. It’s not that other CMS aren’t responsive, but in WordPress, it’s very simple to implement.

3) A free, open source and constantly evolving CMS = $$$ savings

WordPress is open source, as are Joomla and Drupal. This means it’s free software that can be modified at will. As a result, a huge number of themes and plug-ins are freely and legally available, thanks to the passionate community! In fact, thousands of programmers are constantly working to create new themes and plug-ins, and to integrate the most diverse and specific functionalities. So much so, in fact, that WordPress now “makes it all possible”. There are also some paid modules, but the cost per module is generally very low (between $10 and $40). What’s more, once you have access to these modules, the creators provide technical support in the event of any problems or incompatibilities. Paid modules also have the advantage of being highly specific to particular business sectors. For example, there are modules to help real estate agents manage and sell properties, others to take hotel reservations, or even to book appointments for health professionals… Using existing modules rather than customizing them all has considerable time and cost advantages for a company wishing to design its own website. It’s much faster, and therefore less expensive, to start from an existing module that has already been developed, tested and implemented to suit the company’s precise needs than to develop everything bespoke. The fact that WordPress is free software means that the time and cost of creating a website can be considerably reduced, without compromising on functionality. What’s more, WordPress websites are scalable. You can start with a simple site and gradually modify it without having to redo it. As you can see from the infographic, the initial and maintenance costs of WordPress are on average much lower than those of Joomla or Drupal.

4) A large community always ready to create new extensions

When it comes to open source software, a strong community is formed, and WordPress is a prime example of this type of software. The community behind this CMS is one of the most developed and active on the Web. From web strategists to professional developers, the whole community is busy improving the software, its themes and modules. This means that none of your questions will go unanswered, and that your themes, plug-ins and the CMS itself will be updated regularly, ensuring that all the latest features are up to date, up to web standards and, of course, with enhanced security. Don’t worry about updates! Maintenance is designed to be easy. For example, updating WordPress takes less than 6 seconds and is trouble-free in 99% of cases. In fact, WordPress’ active web community ensures that the CMS is always up to date and adapted to current web trends.

5) Ease of use and flexibility for businesses

One of the strongest points of this CMS is its ease of use. Indeed, even a Web neophyte can use WordPress to modify the content of his or her website. A CMS is a tool that allows you to create a website without first going through a “coding” phase. So no HTML/CSS knowledge is required to add or modify content, be it images, text or video. What’s more, WordPress has by far the clearest, most intuitive interface, a bit like Microsoft Word. All updates to plug-ins, themes or the CMS itself are just a few clicks away. So anyone can modify and update the website. Here’s an example of the administration interface. Finally, since version 3.3 of WordPress, the administration interface has benefited from a “responsive” design, enabling optimal access to the site from mobile devices. What’s more, Androïd and IOS (for iPhone) applications are available to manage your site even more efficiently. It’s also possible to give different types of access to different users, each with certain permissions and restrictions.

6) Any design is possible, and so are the functionalities!

Customization of WordPress websites is almost infinite, with multiple design and functionality integration possibilities. Any creation is possible, since WordPress can be modified at will. Many web professionals use this PHP-based CMS, and even highly complex websites can be created. A host of themes already come with specific designs linked to certain business sectors, but it’s also possible to integrate a drawing, a Photoshop mock-up, or any design to create a custom theme.


For a quote, please contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

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