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Instagram: The 6 best tools for managing your account

2015-08-05-171855instagramLike any good Community Manager, you may be looking for the tool that will help you save time, optimize your presence on certain social networks, organize contests, report… In short, be efficient. When it comes to tools, lists are often long, too long. It’s easier to mention well-known tools, without actually trying to understand them. For Instagram too, the list of tools could be long. But to make things easier for you, we’ve chosen 6…
Here are the 6 Instagram tools that will make your life easier:

1. Gramfeed

Why do you need it? Because it allows you to monitor a specific geolocation.
Many tools allow you to monitor by keyword, but few allow you to do so by specific location. Gramfeed offers several ways to search by location.
First, you can search for photos (restaurants, campsites, hotels, events… anything that might be of interest to a location) that are tagged to a specific place. Below is an example of how the search works if you focus on the “Microsoft NERD center” in Cambridge.
Then you can search for a particular #hashtag in a region. Looking for people photographing rabbits in Poitou-Charentes? Bikers in the south of France or sunset photos in Brittany? The “search for places with Instagram photos” function will help you find them.

2. TAGstagram

Why? Because it’s probably the best way to organize your hashtags. Because it’s probably the best way to organize your hashtags.
We may disagree on the (small, but relevant) number of hashtags you should use on an Instagram post, but we all know you need them. After all, they bring greater visibility to your posts!
Instead of recreating your entire list of hashtags every time you publish, why not useTagstagram to keep pre-saved lists of your hashtags? For example, someone who takes photos of pets could simply copy and paste this bespoke list from TAGstagram every time they publish.

3. Agorapulse

Why do you need it? Because it allows you to make sure you don’t miss any comments, respond to everyone, report and get to know your users.
Instagram is the “king of engagement”. So why not seek to better understand the people who follow and interact with you? Agorapulse offers you several ways to do just that:
  • The inbox quickly displays new comments, so it’s easy to see how much new content you have to deal with!
  • The “Users” tab is magical: automatically, the tool will assign badges to your users, and naturally, they will become “engaged users”, “ambassadors” or “likers”;
  • Tags are assigned to users to better categorize them and refine your presence on Instagram.

4. Repost

Why? Because Instagram is full of interesting content and your brand can benefit from it.
Once you’ve searched for user-generated content that makes sense to you, don’t hesitate to republish it using Repost. The tool lets you include the author’s name directly on the image. What better way to flatter your subscribers and start a conversation?
Last but not least: you need a user’s permission to republish their photo. Being part of the Instagram community also means respecting the creative work of others.

5. Schedugram

Why? Because it’s the only tool that lets you optimize your posts on Instagram.
You need to post regularly to reach new followers on Instagram and keep existing followers interested. You absolutely must post regularly, at the times of your audience.Schedugram can help you do just that.
This tool runs on your computer and lets you schedule Instagram publications. It publishes automatically, with no need to switch back to mobile. If most of your audience is located on the other side of the world, or if you’re on vacation and want to maintain a certain level of activity, Schedugram will be your best ally.

6. Union Metrics

Why do you need it? Because it gives you the statistics you need to perform even better.
Agorapulse and Iconosquare offer some interesting statistics (including a PowerPoint report), but I thought it would be interesting to highlight this Union Metrics. You use hashtags, you build relationships, you post user-generated content, and you’re on top of Instagram? Great! Now it’s time to analyze it all: what’s working, what’s not.
Among a dozen interesting indicators, the report gives you your 3 best and 3 worst publications of the last 30 days.
Take a look at the style of the photos, the captions and the hashtags. If you find commonalities between this month’s winners, you can use them again. If there are patterns emerging in the publications that aren’t working, you know what you need to eliminate.
The essential tool for managing Instagram is, in my opinion, on this list. But perhaps we’ve overlooked the real gem? The magic tool that perfectly meets all the needs of the Community Manager?
Let’s hear it!
P.S.: The original of this article was written and published on: http: //

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